How to Hide Your Profile On Facebook

 on Thursday, April 5, 2018  

How To Hide Your Profile On Facebook - If you want to conceal your Facebook time-line details from Online search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc, follow the steps below to configure your personal privacy settings.

How To Hide Your Profile On Facebook

Login to you Facebook account, and click the settings menu icon on best leading corner. And, from the menu click Settings.

In the Settings page click on the Privacy on the left side.

In the Privacy Settings and Tools section, go to Who can look me up? area, and click Edit option for Do you want other search engines to connect to your timeline?.

Remove the tick from check box for Let other search engines connect to your timeline.

Confirm the Are you sure discussion.

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How to Hide Your Profile On Facebook 4.5 5 pusahma dua Thursday, April 5, 2018 How To Hide Your Profile On Facebook - If you want to conceal your Facebook time-line details from Online search engine like Google, Yahoo,...

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