How To Find Deleted Messages On Facebook
1. Click on the down arrow situated at the upper right corner of the Facebook account, which you usually click it to log out of your Facebook account. Click "Settings" when the sub-menu appears.
2. Click the "Download a copy" link. A brand-new page will be loaded. On this page, click "Start My Archive". Validate the message box by clicking the "Start My Archive" button. Facebook will gather all your data and will send you an email when it would be ready for download.
3. When it is ready to download, you will receive a notice. Click it. A brand-new page will be loaded, click on "Download Archive". It will ask you to enter your Facebook password. Enter it. Click "Submit".
4. Your archive will start to download in a zip file. When the download completes, open it and extract it. When extracted, double click on the folder to open it. There will be a file called "index". Double click on it to open it in your default web internet browser. In the left side, click "Messages".
You will find all your deleted messages. Such articles How To Find Deleted Messages On Facebook from my thank you for visiting hope can help you.